Ms. Roberte Isimbi is the Managing Director of FATE Consulting Ltd. where she also serves as a senior consultant with specialist expertise in the mainstreaming of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) across the pillars of Sustainable Development. In this regard, Ms. Roberte has about a decade of experience conducting gender sensitive quantitative and qualitative research, policy analysis, project evaluation, and supporting institutions to develop the capacity for GESI mainstreaming in the sectors including Education, Health, Social Protection, Environment, and Agriculture.

Highlights of the work done by Ms. Roberte include the development of the second generation of Gender Mainstreaming Strategy of the Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA) as well as their Youth and Persons with Disabilities Mainstreaming Strategy. In addition, Ms. Roberte Isimbi designed and led the execution of the Baseline Study of the School-Based Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programme in Rwanda for the Rwanda Basic Education Board (REB), with funds from One UN Rwanda, under the supervision of UNFPA as well as the Baseline Study of the Status of Unpaid Care Work in Eight Districts of Rwanda for UN Women.

Ms. Roberte’s experience also covers other counties of East African Community (EAC). Work conducted in EAC includes the design and a successful execution of the Great Lakes Gender-Based Violence External Landscape Mapping for CARE International Great Lakes which covered Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) (Northern and Southern Kivu), Rwanda, and Uganda. In addition, Ms. Roberte designed and delivered capacity-building workshops on “Gender integration in the Project Cycle Management’’ (PCM), separately for the staff and the implementing partners of the Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development (SDC) in the Great Lakes (Rwanda, Burundi, and DRC) held in Kigali, Rwanda and Bukavu, DRC.

An additional skillset of Ms. Roberte is the policy analysis and research uptake. In this regard, Ms. Roberte led on the Policy and Legal Analysis (PLA) and Research Uptake and Impact Coordination (RUIC) for the 9-Years longitudinal study -Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE), being conducted in Rwanda, Ethiopia, Jordan, Lebanon, Nepal, and Bangladesh by a consortium led by Overseas Development Institute (ODI), with funds from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). Ms. Roberte also led several projects focused on the analysis of the Government of Rwanda’s response to Covid-19 including on Education, with EdTech Hub, as well as on poverty alleviation with the Chronic Poverty Advisory Network (CPAN) of the Institute of Development Studies (IDS).

Ms. Roberte’s practical experience is backed by a strong education background in Sustainable Development (Master’s Degree from the University of Sussex) and Statistics Applied to Economy (Engineering Degree from INES Ruhengeri).