Research and Resources for GEDSI
What does GEDSI stand for?

Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion

We believe in the power of research to lead to social justice, defined by the United Nations as “the view that everyone, particularly those in greatest need, deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities.”

Interdisciplinary research, which integrates the dimensions of gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI), is key for ensuring the participation of all groups of people in the different spheres of society.

Our GEDSI Research includes both our original research projects and research projects commissioned by third parties.

The scope of our dedication to advancing GEDSI through the power of research covers the pillars of sustainable development.

Together, our research, lectures, events and workshops, contribute to the understanding of the barriers to equality and that informs policy and programmatic solutions for change.

Equality is a right not a favour. We must challenge ourselves to do even more and better to ensure that the next generations of our daughters and granddaughters inherit a nation where their aspirations have no limits.


H.E Paul Kagame

We are committed to

Provide an evidence-informed analysis of social structures of power and their impact on socio-economic development.

Work with stakeholders to identify innovative solutions to uproot inequalities and social exclusion.

Provide support for the institutionalization of GEDSI.

Contribute to social justice and equality.

How can we be of assistance?

We empower institutions and individuals in four key ways: 

Our GEDSI Research Publications

Policy and legal analysis notes: Rwanda A review of the National Policy against Gender-Based Violence

A study of occupational and economic well-being among marginalized women in Rwanda

‘They Say it was Her Fault… This is Not True!’ Using Vignettes With Adolescent….

Disentangling urban adolescents’ vulnerability to gender-based violence through a capability lens in Ethiopia and Rwanda

Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Ethiopia and Rwanda: a qualitative exploration of the role of social norms

Leave no one behind: shining a spotlight on adolescent Congolese refugees in Rwanda